At work I have been supremely busy. It is not just the teaching, but being the chair of the department, being on two search committees (for the same darn position), having routine study session with students, teaching two night classes, participating in college stuff, making the schedule for summer and goes on and on. On top of that trying to make travel plans for summer.
This year the biggest drains on me, mentally, were three people - A, B and C. All three of them have been so entrenched in my life this year that they have made my very normal routine life an emotional one. They could have made it easier if they were just normal but I am realizing more and more that people are not normal. They are mostly selfish, self-centered and immature and don't realize the effect they have on the other person.
Just trying to keep my head on straight has been tough. I had to try much harder to stay focused, practical and emotionally stable this year. And it has been hard - very hard. I am so exhausted that I don't even know what I want anymore. I keep getting this feeling that I have to go to work on Monday, when I am on vacation for the next three months. That is how preoccupied I have been.
As much as I feel supported by a lot of people around me, I also feel there are very few people I can really trust and talk to. Everyone seems to have an agenda. They are only looking out for themselves, whereas I am looking at the big picture.
ABC were definitely not my friends (read my blog on friends) but sadly they were not even the normal kind of people; I seriously misunderstood their intentions. I so badly wanted it all work out. But the harder I tried the harder I fell. I want to give the benefit of doubt to people and trust them. But of course I learnt the hard way that trust is earned not given. Yet again my romance with life taught me lesson. As a result I became this discontented kind of person who was always complaining about people and things, when really I am such an easy going person. And of course all this came out as anger in some cases but more often it comes out in tears. Which can be really emotionally exhausting.
All in all this year has been anticlimactic of what I was hoping for.
I am hoping that the summer can bring closure to some things and rejuvinate my spirit. And finally I can just hope that the next year is better than this year.